- Air kaldu sapi (air bekas ngerebus daging gepuk - atau air kaldu sapi biasa)
- Jagung yg dibelah menjadi 2 atau 3
- Labu siam, potong kotak2
- Buncis atau kacang panjang
- Kacang tanah segenggam
- Melinjo (saya tidak pakai karena tidak menemukan melinjo)
- 2 lembar daun salam
- 1sdt lengkuas bubuk
- air asam jawa secukupnya.
- 5 siung bawang merah
- 2 buah bawang putih
- 3 cabe keriting (bisa ditambahkan jika anda menyukai sayur asem yang pedas)
- 2sdt terasi
- 6sdt gula pasir (bisa dikurangi kl ga terlalu suka manis)
1. Rebus sayuran yg keras dulu (contohnya kacang tanah & jagung).
2. Setelah empuk, masukkan bumbu halus, daun salam, lengkuas bubuk dan air asam jawa.
3. Masukkkan labu siam & buncis.
4. Masak sampai semua sayuran empuk, hidangkan panas2 dgn gepuk, tahu goreng & sambel terasi.
English Version - Sour Tamarind Vegetables Soup Recipe:
- Beef broth (I usually use the broth from the broth of Gepuk) or you can use normal beef broth, it's up to you.
- Corn
- Chokes, cut 2x2cm
- A handful of green beans or snake beans
- A handful of raw peanuts
- Melinjo (I'm sorry, I don't know what's melinjo in English and I never found any melinjo in Australia)
- 2 bay leaves
- 1tsp galangale powder
- 1-2tsp tamarind paste (according to your taste)
- 6tsp sugar (according to your liking)
- salt
Spices (grind them together in food processor / pestle & mortar):
- 5 shallots
- 2 garlic
- 3 big / long chili (optional)
- 2tsp shrimp paste (tips: grill shrimp paste for around 1 minute to make it more fragrance)
1. Boil hard vegetables / ingredients first (ie. corn & peanuts) with the beef broth
2. When they're tender, add spices, bay leaves, galangale powder, tamarind paste, salt & sugar.
3. Add chokes and beans.
4. Boil until all vegetables are tender, adjust the taste and serve.
Image Copyright: Sour Tamarind Vegetables Soup Picture by My Cousin - Maurice Bachtera
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